Does Wenger need to go if Arsenal don’t win the Premier League?

Does Wenger need to go if Arsenal don’t win the Premier League?

The start of the new season of the English Premier League has been a disaster for the Gunners. The team has lost its main striker Alexis Sanchez, and the situation has worsened even further when it became clear that the Chilean was not going to stay.
The team was also in a bad way at the start of last season, when it was in the middle of the championship and not able to win any points.
However, the situation is now changing, and now it is more likely that the Gunner will be able to return to the Champions League zone.
This is because the team is now in a much better shape than it was at the beginning of the season. The main problem of the team was the lack of motivation, which led to the fact that it lost points in the first matches.
But now, the players have started to play with a renewed enthusiasm, and they are ready to fight for the title.

The current season of English football is very important for the club, because it is a chance to finally win the Champions league. The Gunners have a lot of chances to do this, because the main rival of the club is Manchester City.
In the current season, the Citizens are in a very good shape, and this is one of the main reasons that they have managed to win the title for the third time in a row.
At the moment, the team of Josep Guardiola has a lot to prove, and it is very difficult to do it in the current tournament.
Will Arsenal be able not only to win gold medals, but also to get into the Champions club?
The Gunners are in good shape now, but they still have a long way to go. The club has a long list of problems, and if it doesn’t improve in the near future, then it is quite possible that the situation will worsen.
It is also worth noting that the team has a good chance of winning the title, because of the following reasons:
1. The main rival is in a good shape.
2. The team is in the Champions-league zone. However, it is not in the top 4.
3. Arsenal has a number of leaders who can lead the team to victory.
4. This is a team that is capable of winning a lot in a short time.
All this is why the team can win the championship in the next season.
What are the chances of the Gunmen to win a place in the play-off round?
In general, the chances are not good for the team, because this season it has already lost a lot. However it is possible that this will change in the future, and we will see whether the team will be in a better shape in the new year.
One of the reasons for this is the fact the team doesn� ’’ t have a good goalkeeper. The player, who is called Jack, is not the best, and he is not able not to make a mistake.
Moreover, the club also doesn”’ ““t have a number 10, who has been playing for the main club for several years.
So, the Gunnarsson’s team doesn’t have a real goalkeeper, and that is why it is impossible to win many matches. However this is not a problem, because Arsenal is a good team, and its main rivals are in the fight for gold medals.
How can Arsenal become a contender for the Champions?
This season, it will be very difficult for the squad of Arsene Wenger to fight against the main clubs. The reason for this can be found in the fact there are no real leaders in the team.
For example, the main striker, Alexis Sanchez. The Chilean is not an excellent player, and his game is not very good.
Another problem is the lack in experience of the players. Many of them have played in the national team, which is why they are confident enough to fight in the Premier league.
Also, the fact is that the club doesn“’“T is a new team, so it is necessary to learn from the mistakes of the previous season. That is why many players are not in a condition to fight at the highest level.
Despite this, the current Arsenal is still a good option for the fans, because they have a chance of getting into the top-4.
Arsenal’stheir chances of winning gold medals in the upcoming season
The club is in good form, and many of its leaders are ready for the fight. The following are the main advantages of the current situation:
* A good selection of players.
* The team can play in the Europa league. This is another good thing for the players, because many of them are in their 30s.
If the team manages to win all these advantages, then the fans will be happy, because now they can look forward to a lot, and not only the Champions cup.
We will see how the team’ s performance will change, and whether it will become a real contender for gold.
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